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Nuclear Radiation Detection & Protection Equipment

Solid Nucleus Track Measurement and Analysis System

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STE46 Solid Nucleus Track Measurement and Analysis System is a precision measuring instrument developed by SHUOBODA, which can accurately measure the cumulative dose of radon in the environment. It is suitable for environmental protection, colleges and universities, nuclear power, research institutions and other fields.

When the alpha particles emitted by radon decay bombard the detector, it produces submicroscopic damage tracks. The detector is chemically etched under certain conditions to expand the damage track so that it can be read and counted with a microscope or counting device. The number of tracks per unit area is proportional to the product of radon concentration and exposure time. The scale factor can be used to convert track density into radon concentration. Track etching method is passive sampling, and the detector is CR-39, which is placed in a sampling box of a certain shape to form a sampler. The new developed electrostatic collection type sampler has a detection limit of up to 0.6Bq/m3.

Image processing system Including image enhancement, image denoising, image binarization and removal of non-track debris
Movement controlCustomizable axial movement control
Detection limitPassive collection type radon detector: 9Bq/m3;Electrostatic collection type radon detector: 0.6 Bq/m3
Detection efficiencyα detection efficiency: 210Po-42%, 241Am-42%, 230Th-41%β detection efficiency: 90Sr/90Y-55%, 137Cs-40%, 99Tc-44%
Repeatabilitybetter than 1%
Linearitybetter than 3%
Special featuresAutomatic control of autofocus
Read 64 square CR-39 (1cm×1cm) or 16 round CR-39 (Φ2.4cm)
Read custom CR-39 shapes and sizes within 12cm×12cm
Read the serial number of the probe
Multi-focal image recognition technology
Record each image for further analysis
Batch analysis of tens of thousands of field of view images
Export reading results in .csv file format, which can be opened in Excel
Detailed track morphology information

The radon cup is designed through air exchange rate, cup shape and material to ensure that radon can diffuse into the radon cup with target effect within a given sampling period.

Radon accumulation measurement requires the detector (CR-39) to be placed in the radon cup to form the entire sampling system. The detector that completes sampling under certain conditions is etched under certain conditions, then through the solid track reading system, it can accurately measure the radon cumulative dose in the environment.

Electrostatic collection cup

  • Purpose: Radon (222Rn) sampling
  • Diffusion mode: Radon diffuses from the bottom
  • Size: Φ16.5cm; Height 23cm
  • Weight: 1.5kg
  • Detection limit: 0.6Bq/m3

Radon-Thorium cup

  • Purpose: Radon (222Rn) and Thorium (232Th) sampling;
  • Diffusion mode: Radon diffuses from the spiral; Thorium diffuses from the bottom
  • Size: Φ60mm; Height 87mm
  • Weight: 80g
  • Detection limit: 9Bq/m3

Standard cup

  • Purpose: Radon (222Rn) sampling
  • Diffusion mode: Radon diffuses from the bottom
  • Size: Φ66mm; Height 65mm
  • Weight: 25g
  • Detection limit: 9Bq/m3
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